Hey Everyone!
I just wanted to write a quick blog post since there's nothing up quite yet, but basically all of my website are in Spanish so I want to get something down before they kick me off for no reason. I don't know if that happens, but I don't think my padres would know how to fix it if did.
So while I'm here in this magnificent little Mediterranean country, there are a few ways you can get ahold of me/stalk me/whatever have you. First and foremost is on this blog, Facebook (which is why I'm sure you've heard of the blog in the first place), Whatsapp (a texting app on iPhone and other mobile devices), by email at Robert.Schultz11@kzoo.edu and of course Skype where my username is frendlylemonade12. I want to know what every and all of you are up to so please get ahold of me and I'm sure we can make it work, but just keep in mind that I'm six hours ahead of the eastern time zone.
Sooo, after about 12 hours of layovers, flights, and one 4 hour bus ride later, I'M IN CÁCERES! I haven't been able to explore the town much since I've moved in, but I will for the rest of the week with the rest of the K group. Seeing as I got into town at 8:30AM I still had a full first day and regardless of how jetlagged I was, I stayed up until about midnight just talking and interacting with my family. We live in a beautiful four story home in the city with a huge patio, a patio, and most importantly...a pool.
I have a madre, Ana, a padre, Emiliano, and three siblings Ana, Ester, and Javi. Trust me, there is no shortage of conversation in the household. The madre Ana knows absolutely know English and at times I feel awful because for some reason I can't understand what she's saying for me. So her daughters will give me a VERY rough translation in English and I can try to respond accordingly. Ana and Ester are both students at the University of Salamanca which is in another town in the state, but they're still home for at least another week. Ana is 22, Ester is 20, and Javi is 10 and they all speak English to varying degrees and always want to know how to say different things or pronounce different words. I was kind of bummed initially that there was so much English in the house, but they try to use it sparingly so that I can learn Spanish as well. Javi is such a cute little guy and we played pool games for about an hour yesterday. He's not exactly the most athletic type so I had to take it easy on him unlike something I would ever do for say...Charlie or Pete. He is very good at English for his age and apparently he's this crazy chess player and loves to bike in competitions so I'm hoping he can kick my tail if we ever get the chance to do some of those activities.
Both meals so far have been absolutely delicious, although my stomach was pretty sour from the first day from some chicken I had on the plane. We had cerdo barbacoa (barbecued pig) and gazpacho con queso for lunch and they were absolutely delicious and I can see right away why Europeans are not as obese as Americans. They cook the meat without a ton of spices (i.e. salt and preservatives), and our dessert was fresh fruit. After we ate, we talked about how colleges are set up in the US and other things that I honestly just can't remember because we talked so much.
I think the last thing I really want to say is that I brought them some gifts from Heilman's Chocolate shop and they were so excited. Emiliano brought out some small liquor glasses with his favorite liquor made from these nuts that are native to the region. We gathered around trying the chocolate truffles, caramel popcorn, and dried fruit and if they didn't like them, they lied extremely well. All of the kids attempted to read my mom's note that was an extended way to say thanks for taking me in and some of the other English pamphlets that came with the chocolate and it was hilarious. My family is great and I can't wait to get to know them as the rest of this journey unfolds. Emiliano also said after the full day that I am officially the fourth son of their family because of how much they like talking to me and the fact that I brought them gifts. I guess it just goes to show that some great chocolate can make people say some crazy things!
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